Ball Maze activity for kids from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Ball Maze | CMSMatHome

Do you miss the Museum’s ball course? Create your own today! Gather paper plates, cardboard, straws, paper towel or toilet paper rolls, marbles or small balls, scissors, tape, and a hot glue gun. Tape down straw and small pieces of cardboard, and connect other materials with glue. Engineer the maze by creating obstacles, then maneuver

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Shadow and Light CMSM at Home activity from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Shadow and Light | CMSMatHome

Today, we’ll observe how light moves around objects and creates shadows. It’s shadow play time! If the weather serves us and there is some sunshine, we can go outside. Otherwise, we can use a flashlight or lamp. Gather some interesting shadow-makers, such as animal figurines, blocks, colander, thin colored fabric, lace, crocheted objects, or anything

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Start Your Seedlings CMSM at Home activity from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Start Your Seedlings | CMSMatHome

The weather is getting nicer and we can start our seedlings! Today we’ll make starting pots with paper towel and toilet paper rolls, fill them with soil, and plant garden seeds in them. Once labeled, they’ll go in clear, plastic clamshell containers (such as those for salad greens or some takeout foods), which will act

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Can You Guess? CMSM at Home activity from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Can You Guess | CMSMatHome

Today, we’ll guess, predict, count, and measure! Gather materials, such as a measuring tape (or a ruler), see-through jars, and a variety of small objects found in your home (beans, paperclips, coins, rocks, cotton balls, small building blocks…). Fill a see-through container with small objects, then make a guess on their number. Dump them out,

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Music Making at home from CMSMathome Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota in Mankato
CMSM at Home

Music Makers | CMSMatHome

We will be making music at home today! Let’s use items found in our kitchen and experiment with different sounds we can make, and hear. We’ll pay attention to the variety of sounds and how they change between instruments. Material ideas: uncooked/dry rice, noodles, or beans, plastic containers, kitchen utensils, rubber bands, plastic wrap… Make

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Geology Rocks! CMSM at Home activity from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Geology Rocks! | CMSMatHome

Geology Rocks! Today, discover different types of rocks as you go on an adventure around your home. Observe what makes them similar or different from each other, then write or draw what you’ve come up with. For this activity, you’ll need a magnifying glass or any other item that can help you take a closer

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Float or Sink? CMSM at Home activity from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Float or Sink? | CMSMatHome

Float or Sink? Today we’ll test boats made from found materials to see which ones will float, and which ones will not. Let’s play with water. Choose a bath tub, sink, or any container that won’t leak. Now, let’s build a vessel that holds more than 5 pennies. What can we build with? Paper, popsicle

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City Planning | CMSM at Home activity Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

City Planning | CMSMatHome

Can you build a city? How do you do it? Find floor or table space. Gather materials: cardboard, paper, tape, scissors, markers, pencils, building blocks… Plan. Think about the city you wish to build. How big is it? What does it need? Who lives there? How do they get places? Build. Construct your buildings, roads, and parks. Don’t forget

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CMSM at Home Activity: Balance
CMSM at Home

Balance | CMSMatHome

Today, we balance! Collect items around the house, or in your yard. You’ll need a stick, ruler, pencil, or something similar. Pennies, dimes, buttons, small rocks, or pebbles may work. If you’d like, record your observations by drawing or writing. Here’s what we’re doing: Engage your fine motor skills by balancing objects on top of other

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Build Like a Beaver CMSM at Home Activity
CMSM at Home

Build Like a Beaver | CMSMatHome

Have you explored the Museum’s Beaver Builders exhibit? You can build like a beaver at home, too! Choose to work outside, in a sandbox (or dirt), or in the house, using a cake pan. Gather twigs, sand, dirt, small stones, moss, or wet leaves. Form a beaver dam or lodge by stacking and layering different sizes of

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First Day of Spring | CMSMatHome Activity
CMSM at Home

First Day of Spring | CMSMatHome

As we make the change from winter to spring, the environment around us starts to change as well. Spend some time outside each day and see if you can identify these changes. If you would like and are able, prepare a notebook, some writing utensils, binoculars, or a magnifying glass. Go into your backyard, take

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CMSMatHome - Installation Art
CMSM at Home

Installation Art | CMSMatHome

Today, create an art installation at home with this favorite Toddler Wednesday activity (any age is welcome–and encouraged–to join in on the fun!). Position two chairs close together to serve as a base. • Engage children in picking out materials they want to use. Will it be yarn, ribbon, scarves, paper, cardboard, or something else?

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The Museum will be Closing at 2pm on
November 16 for a Private Event