
Rachel Gemlo

Rachel Gemlo

What’s new in the Loose Parts Play Hub this May

Here’s what you will find in the Loose Parts Play Hub this month: – Bugs! One of our favorite parts of spring is that we get to observe all the crawling creatures who are coming out of hiding and winter hibernation. May is also the month that we start to prepare our butterfly house for

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Rachel Gemlo

What’s new in the Loose Parts Play Hub this April

Here’s what you will find in the Loose Parts Play Hub this month: – Treasure Basket: New on the book shelf is a treasure basket. Treasure baskets are collections of beautiful or interesting items for infants and toddlers to explore. Children learn so much through their senses and these baskets offer a variety of different

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Rachel Gemlo

What’s new in the Loose Parts Play Hub this March

This month in the Loose Parts Play Hub you can play around with drawing portraits of yourself or those you came to play with. You can create silly faces with loose parts. Plus, you can get to know each other with some conversation cards! Here’s what you will find in the Loose Parts Play Hub

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Rachel Gemlo

What’s New in the Loose Parts Play Hub this February

Loose parts play embraces an unrestricted method of play by offering children an assortment of materials or objects that can be freely moved, manipulated, and combined in various ways. This unstructured approach stimulates children’s creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills as they envision, design, and construct using the available materials. Here’s what you will find

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Rachel Gemlo

What’s New in the Loose Parts Play Hub this January

Loose parts play is an open-ended approach to play that involves providing children with a variety of materials of objects that can be moved, manipulated, and combined in a different way. The open-ended nature of loose parts play stimulates children’s creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills as they imagine, design, and build using the materials

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Rachel Gemlo

Playing with Art: Process Over Product

What is Process Art? I am Rachel Gemlo, a Program Facilitator here at the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota. My background is in early childhood education and studio arts. I recently gave a presentation on process art at the FACS to the Max conference at Minnesota State University, Mankato. While preparing my presentation, I discovered

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