April 6, 2020

Alliteration Poetry educational activity for Kids from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Alliteration Poetry | CMSMatHome

Are you familiar with alliteration? It’s a sequence of words starting with the same sound, usually a consonant. A well-known example is below–but can you come up with your own? Create a poem with words that all start with the same letter. Write it down. Recite to the rest of your household and share with

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Make an erupting volcano science experiment for kids from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota
CMSM at Home

Erupting Volcano | CMSMatHome

We’re going outdoors again with #CMSMatHome! Gather a plastic cup, some water, baking soda, dish soap, washable paint, white vinegar, and measuring scoops. Find a good spot for making a mess… err, science. Place your cup on the ground and fill with water, about two-thirds full. Add five tablespoons of baking soda, one teaspoon of dish

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The Museum will be Closing at 2pm on
November 16 for a Private Event