
Geology Rocks! | CMSMatHome

Geology Rocks! CMSM at Home activity from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota

Geology Rocks!

Today, discover different types of rocks as you go on an adventure around your home. Observe what makes them similar or different from each other, then write or draw what you’ve come up with.

For this activity, you’ll need a magnifying glass or any other item that can help you take a closer look. A ruler or a scale might help, and you may want something to write or draw in, such as a notebook or some paper. Go on an adventure and let us know what you find!

Further Your Exploration        

Find the three most exciting rocks in your yard.

Why are they most exciting? What can you see, smell, hear, or feel from these rocks? What makes one rock like the others? What makes them different? What do you think these rocks could be called?

How can a ruler, magnifying glass, or scale help us find more ways to describe these rocks? Are there any other tools you could use?

Learn more about geology from National Geographic Kids.

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